Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mr. West

Every time I think I'm done with Kanye, (no homo) he makes a song that I can totally identify with. I felt this way when I first got divorced. Fortunately my feelings have changed. When I heard "Love Lockdown" for the first time, I did not like it. When I heard it for the 25th time on the radio, I did not like it. I was like, here we go. But, after hearing "Heartless", Kanye went back to first day status. Check it

The Best Sitcom on TV.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

"These Guys Really Know How To Put the Fun in FUNeral."

It has been a difficult week. I lost my uncle last Sunday. His funeral was last Thursday. I was able to make it through Wednesday without crying. Thursday, as my pastor finished his closing remarks, i just broke down. As I sat there on the ground my uncle Mike came and put his hand on my shoulder and said, "it's alright John... it's alright." After that I mustered up enough strength to carry my uncle's body to the hearse. I looked back once and then I walked away. As I wiped the tears from my eyes I saw a sea of people. It was overwhelming. There were people everywhere. As I walked over to see my mother, she started smiling. She wiped my face and said, "You big sissy, up there cryin'. yall almost dropped my brother-in-law." I laughed, and hugged her. We left the grave site and went to my church, where our lovely culinary staff had prepared a home-cooked meal for our friends and family. And thats when it began... old people became old people. These folks started talking about old Riverside, the infamous Golf Course, football, Holly St., etc. As i'm taking the trash out, I hear my dad talking to his friends and all I heard was 'white stone-washed jeans' and grass stain. His friends were falling over laughing. I guess there was a time when white stone-washed jeans were cool. Later on my mother introduces me to one of my uncle's old girlfriends. As soon as my mother introduced her as his "ex", I knew the jokes were coming. She cranked that thang. I was thoroughly amused. Later I found out my uncle had two other ex's there. I'm glad there was no drama. To cap off the day, my mother told my cousin to stay out his baby's mama's p***y in front of the church. Yes, the 'p' word. Anyway, considering the event, it turned out to be a good day. As my co-worker and friend told me once, "...if you go a day without laughing, you might as well be dead." So smile and enjoy life. The present is a present.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Life in the Times.

Obituaries for October 13, 2008

Ronnie Moore
Ronnie L. Moore, 57, of Chattanooga, passed away Sunday, Oct. 12, 2008, at a local health care facility.
Personal and professional services entrusted to Franklin-Strickland, 1724 McCallie Ave.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Know the Ledge

...either I'm nobody, or I'm a nation. -Derek Walcott